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What is social and emotional learning?  SEL is a process that improves one’s capacity to: 1. Recognize one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths ad limitations.  2. Make ethical constructive choices about personal and school behavior.  3.  Form positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict.  4.  Show understanding and empathy for others.  5.  Manage emotions and behaviors to achieve one’s goals.

Why social and emotional learning?  Benefits- 1.  Improvement in classroom behavior.  2.  Increase in self-confidence.  3.  11% increase in scores on standardized tests.  4.  Social and emotional skills.  5.  Better attitudes about school and interactions with others.  Reduces- 1.  Aggressive behavior.  2.  Emotional distress.  3.  Conduct problems.

How is Lorraine Elementary incorporating SEL in everyday instruction?

At LES we provide SEL instruction daily, as part of our Specials classes.  All students receive the opportunity to learn about social skills, goal setting, conflict resolution and so much more.  We also serve a smaller population in our school via our SEL Center Circle - where we meet with scholars in need of some additional social skills or may need to learn self-awareness and care.

Our Series 1 Session focused on cooperation and teamwork.   

Click on the link below to access the Series 1 recording.  Parents will need to log in with their child's username and password to view the recording.

Series 1 Recording Link

Resources and Family Activities for Cooperation/Teamwork:

 What does teamwork look like at school and at home?

Teamwork Activities for the Whole Family


Our Series 2 Session focused on self-control.    

Click on the link below to access the Series 2 recording.  Parents will need to log in with their child's username and password to view the recording.

Series 2 Recording Link

Resources and Family Activities for Self-Control:

7 Self Discipline Strategies for Children

Helping Kids Learn Self Control


Our Series 3 Session will focus on children managing stress and anxiety.      

Click on the link below to access the Series 2 recording.  Parents will need to log in with their child's username and password to view the recording.

Series 3 Recording Link

Resources and Family Activities for Self-Control:

How to Spot Stress and Anxiety in Children

How to Cope with an Anxious Child

Our Series 4 Session will focus on relationship and social skills.

Click HERE to access the Teams meeting.